Dental Bonding Procedures in Erin Mills

Dental Bonding Procedures

Dental bonding is a popular and affordable way to improve the appearance of your smile. Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that involves the application of a tooth-colored resin to the surface of your teeth. This resin is then sculpted into the desired shape and hardened with a special light. Dental bonding procedures can fix many dental problems, including chips, cracks, gaps between teeth, and discoloration. This blog post will discuss the dental bonding procedures. We will also provide tips for taking care of your bonded teeth.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a popular and affordable way to improve the appearance of your smile. Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that involves the application of a tooth-colored resin to the surface of your teeth. This resin is then sculpted into the desired shape and hardened with a special light. Dental bonding can fix many dental problems, including chips, cracks, gaps between teeth, and discoloration.

Dental Bonding Procedures: Step by Step

There are four steps in the dental bonding procedure:

1. Shade Selection

The shade selection is critical in creating a natural-looking result. The dentist will then trim and polish the bonded area to match the surrounding tooth surface. Dental bonding can be an excellent way to improve the appearance of your smile.

2. Applying the Bonding Agent

The next step is to apply a “dental adhesive” to the etched tooth surface(s). This adhesive is also usually provided in small syringes. It contains chemicals (monomers) that will chemically bond with the tooth. After being applied, the glue is briefly illuminated with a special ultraviolet light. It helps it to harden more quickly.

3. Placing the Dental Composite Resin

Once the adhesive is set, the dentist will begin placing the putty-like composite resin onto the tooth surface. The dental composite resin comes in a variety of colors. The dentist will select a shade that matches your natural tooth color as closely as possible. The wax is placed on the tooth in small increments and shaped to fit the contours of your tooth.

4. Hardening the Dental Composite Resin

After the desired shape has been achieved, the composite resin is hardened using a special ultraviolet light. Once it has been set, the bonded area will be much more robust and less susceptible to breakage than it was before.

What to Expect After Dental Bonding?

You may experience sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures immediately after the dental bonding procedure. It is normal and should subside within a day or two. Your teeth may also feel slightly rough for a few days as your saliva works to remove any residual bonding material. Be sure to brush and floss regularly during this time to remove any plaque that may build up around the bonded area. Dental bonding typically lasts for several years before it needs to be touched up or replaced. However, it is essential to take care of your bonded teeth by brushing and flossing regularly and avoiding habits like biting your nails or chewing on complex objects (ice, candy, etc.). With proper care, your dental bonding can last for many years.


So, if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, dental bonding may be a good option for you. Keep in mind that the results will not be permanent and must be redone every few years. If you are interested in pursuing dental bonding, please contact us by checking our all reviews to schedule a consultation.

If you’re considering dental bonding in Erin Mills to enhance your teeth’s appearance, contact Onyx Dental at 2555 Erin Centre Blvd Unit 12, Mississauga, ON L5M 5H1, or call (905) 567-4999 to schedule a consultation.





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